

Are you on the hunt for something outside the Glitter Nuts selection? Look no further! We've compiled a list of recommended vendors who specialize in items not currently available in our inventory. Explore these options for a broader range of choices that align with your preferences.


 If you would like to be added as a vendor, please click here and complete the vendor form.



Mountain Man Turners


Discover the allure of these magnificent turners, meticulously crafted by the skilled hands of Michael. Renowned for his commitment to quality, each turner undergoes a rigorous inspection to ensure excellence. Following this, Gerri steps in, infusing each piece with her artistic finesse to add the perfect finishing touches, creating a truly unique item just for you!

Rest assured, the collaborative efforts of Michael and Gerri guarantee that any turner you choose will surpass expectations. To delve deeper into the world of these exceptional creations, click here for more detailed information!








The vendors mentioned are independent entities and not affiliated with Glitter Nuts LLC. While Glitter Nuts LLC does not offer these specific items, these recommendations are provided for your convenience. Please note that all transactions for the services of these vendors are conducted directly with them. Glitter Nuts LLC assumes no involvement or liability in connection with any contracts, transactions, products, or services obtained from these vendors. Your interactions and agreements with these independent entities are solely your responsibility.